Roses, not fabric this time

I love this rose! December 7, a bit stunned that it was still blooming, I cut a twig with a flower and a bud.

I put it in a vase, and changed the water from time to time, as one does. The flower bloomed, faded, and dropped its petals. The bud went through the same cycle. The leaves stayed green, or mostly green, so I kept changing the water occasionally.

Until the day I noticed that the bottom of the twig had developed tiny whitish bumps around the edge. They looked like the beginning of roots – wildly unlikely in a cutting taken on the seventh of December, and kept in a vase on the kitchen table. But I took a chance, and planted it in a slurry of water & potting soil, and gradually added more soil.

Three days ago I realized it was putting out new leaves! Yay Morden Sunrise! You’re an amazing rose!